Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are part of a contract between you (the Customer) and Absolute PhD Ltd.

Section 1 – Definitions

Section 2 – Type of Plan & what’s included:

Service Care

Boiler Protect

Boiler Protect +

Plumbing +

Ultimate 360

 1 – If a radiator needs to be replaced we will replace it with a standard radiator. / 2 – AbsolutePhD will not replace an unvented cylinder. / 3 – If a tap needs replacing it will be replaced with a standard tap. 

* – If your boiler is under 7 years old and deemed unrepairable we will fit a like for like boiler as part of this agreement. (You will need to prove the age of the boiler upon request.)

** – Unlimited call out applies as long as there is a fault present, if we inform you that the issue is not a fault or not covered and you call us out we will have the right to charge at our standard rates.

*** – Response times vary during peak periods.

Section 3 – Contract renewal / Cancellation

Your contract is for a Minimum of 12 months from the date of first payment.

Unless you tell us otherwise this contract will automatically renew each year – Subject to us accepting you onto the service plan, this is based on the outcome of a property survey which will take place within two weeks of you signing up with us.

This contract will remain valid providing payment is continued by you subject to clause 4.

Section 4 – Contract Invalidations

Section 5

Acceptance onto one of our service plans does not imply that the boiler, heating system or plumbing system is installed to the relevant standards and we will not accept liabilities arising from the original design or installation and so, make no warranty as to the fitness for purpose.

Section 6

We will not be liable for any delays in the supply of parts from our suppliers. We may fit replacement parts that are adequate but not the same as the defective part(s).

Section 7

New Parts will only be fitted where old ones are beyond reasonable repair. We will be the sole arbitrators as to the condition of parts, where a radiator requires changing, we will only change for a standard white radiator. Designer radiators and towel rails will be attempted to be repaired but not covered for replacement.

Boiler heat exchangers that have been damaged by debris, sludge or scale will not be covered for either parts or labour.

Section 8

As boilers get older for many reasons, they became noisy, where noise is down to the age of the appliance we will not class this as fault and is not covered under any plan.

Section 9 – Boiler Replacement

If your boiler is under 7 years of age and deemed unrepairable, we will replace the boiler like for like, we will need to see proof of the original date of installation. For boilers over 7 Years a loyalty discount will be applied to the cost of fitting a new boiler.

Section 10 – Access

We are not liable for any repairs to which we cannot gain reasonable access, removal of any obstructions will be at our sole discretion and will reserve the right to charge you at our standard rates. We may insist that you arrange for the removal of the obstruction prior to us carrying out the repair, we will not be held liable for any making good unless it’s down to our negligence.

Section 11 – Charges

If a service plan is cancelled part way through the year, we reserve the right to charge for any services and / or repairs we have carried out at our standard rates.

Section 12 – Annual services & Landlord CP12

If an Annual boiler service or Landlord Certificate is included in your plan, we will try to arrange a visit for this to take place but you remain responsible for it happening within the contract.

Section 13 – System Flushing

If we recommend that your heating system requires a flush, we will provide you with a quotation and once the system is cleaned, we will continue with any service plan in place.

Section 14 – Exclusions

Our service plans do not include:

Permitted by law where we are in the breach of the terms of this contract or cannot honour the agreement the maximum liability will be limited to the cost of the relevant service plan you have in place (up to the amount you have paid for the current year). Under no circumstance are we liable for loss of earnings, profit, loss of goods, or loss of business.

None of these conditions limit us from the liability relating to death or personal injury from neglience.

‘Absolute PhD’ / ‘absolutephd.co.uk’ fall under Absolute PhD Ltd.

Have you seen our Service Plans?